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SUPER (Substance Use Prevention Education and Response) is a program designed to help Black men access help for a variety of issues that impact our community, such as Substance Abuse, Mental Health, HIV, Hepatitis C, and PrEP (Pre-exposure Prophylaxis).


These issues can feel overwhelming, but help is out there and you're not alone.


The SUPER team is here to guide you through the process of getting that help you need, no matter what your problems or challenges may be. We can help in big ways and small, whether it's giving you a ride, helping you set up and keep your appointments, connecting you with resources you need, or even just being there to talk. Rest assured we are here to help you every step of the way. It's what we do, and we love what we do.


Substance Abuse is a crisis that affects people from all walks of life, and we’ve seen it increase significantly in recent years. The same is true in the Black community. For example, between 2020 and 2021 overdose deaths in Alabama’s Black community rose over 50%! So we know there’s a problem. But we also know Black people are less likely to access help, even though it’s out there. So where do you go? How do you get help? That’s where our navigators come in. We would love to help you find the resources you need to work toward living a life without substances.


People from every background struggle with their mental health, but Black people are far less likely to ask for help. Some of the barriers come from the outside: lack of access, well-founded mistrust in the medical industry, lack of diversity in care providers, and many more. But some of them come from inside the community too, such as a cultural sense of stigma and shame or a reluctance to open up emotionally. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Our prevention navigators are here to help you break down those barriers and help you work toward living a happier, healthier life.


In Alabama, nearly three-quarters of people newly-diagnosed with HIV are Black. Males within the community are particularly high-risk. But there are ways to protect yourself. Condoms are a quick and easy method, but it’s not the only way. There are drugs called PrEP (Pre-exposure Prophylaxis) that we can help you get. As long as you take it as directed, it is over 99% effective at preventing the spread of HIV. The threat of HIV does not have to dictate how you enjoy your life or whom you love. We can help you access this life-saving resource at little to no cost. Ask us how.


HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that attacks

the immune system, preventing it from fighting off new infections. It is primarily spread through unprotected sex, sharing needles, or any activity where your body fluids come in contact with the fluids of an infected person. If left untreated it can eventually progress to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), but treatment has come a long way! In fact, with appropriate treatment a patient's HIV viral load can be so low it cannot be detected, meaning it also can't be transmitted.


Hepatitis C (HCV) is a virus that attacks the liver that spreads from the infected blood of one person to the blood of another. This can be from contact that is intimate (sex, sharing needles, etc.) or even more casual (razors, pipes, etc.) Secondary to the opioid epidemic and the rise in injection drug use, Hepatitis C is on the rise. But unlike most other viruses, most Hepatitis C can be cured! Within 8-12 weeks of taking daily medications most people who contract it can be HCV free.


Rachel Horton

Program Coordinator



Lamar Jones

Prevention Navigator



Marvellus Prater

Prevention Navigator

(p) 256-792-8896

Content Warning 

This site contains HIV prevention messages that may not be appropriate for all audiences. Since HIV infection is spread primarily through sexual practices or by sharing needles, prevention messages and programs may address these topics. If you are not seeking such information or may be offended by such materials, please exit this website.

​​Call us:


​Find us: 

205 32nd Street South, Birmingham, AL 35233

Hours of Operation:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9:00-6:00PM

Wednesday 10:00-6:00PM

Friday 9:00-1:00PM

Photo Credits, Kenneth Smith Photography &

Edward Badham Visual Productionsho


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